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The Criminology Academy Podcast

The Criminology Academy is a podcast hosted by Dr. Jenn Tostlebe, an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Omaha, and Jose Sanchez, a doctoral candidate at the University of Colorado Boulder.

The goal of The Criminology Academy Podcast is to provide an accessible and modern platform for disseminating knowledge about criminology, the fascinating work being done by leaders in the field, and all things academic life. Blueprints Principal Investigator Dr. Pamela Buckley was recently featured on the podcast to discuss evidence-based programs, Blueprints, and the latest paper co-authored by members of the Blueprints staff and board that examined racial and ethnic representation in preventive intervention research. Read about the paper here and listen to the discussion here: The Criminology Academy Episode 83: Dr. Pamela Buckley (audio only).

The Criminology Academy is available on most major podcast platforms.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.