There is an age-old saying, “It is not what you do, but how well you do it that counts.” This statement is a gentle reminder that we tend to emphasize the outcome of our efforts over the process. Much attention has focused on identifying effective research-based programs. In contrast, there has been much less awareness of the factors needed to successfully implement such programs. In other words, we now know what to implement, but we know very little about how.
The importance of the process of implementation cannot be overstated. In fact, as the adage suggests, the process of implementation influences the product. While programs are often thought of as a uniform set of elements that are provided to clients in a consistent manner, there can be great variability in the manner in which programs are delivered.
Discover more about the positive impact that implementation can have on an evidence-based program.

Sharon Mihalic
Director, Blueprints Initiative
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado Boulder |