Leadership Letter:
Greetings from Pamela Buckley and Karl Hill
Part of Blueprints’ mission is to advance national and international dialogue on the importance of adopting high scientific standards and promoting strong interventions. Blueprints staff are working with local, state, national and international governments to implement science-based policy related to prevention. In this past year, Blueprints staff worked with the State of Colorado to develop their first State Strategic Plan for Drug Prevention (Putting Prevention Science to Work: Colorado’s Statewide Strategic Plan for Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse, 2019-2024), with the city of Malmö, Sweden to guide their selection of evidence based programs, and with representatives from the European Union’s EuroHealthNet to coordinate prevention registries internationally.
With the goal of outreach, Blueprints staff also participate in regular events at the local, state, national and international levels to promote high standards in prevention research, policy and implementation. Pamela Buckley participated on a panel titled Synthesizing Research Evidence at the Yidan Prize Conference Series titled “The Americas: The Future of Evidence and Innovation in Education” (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, May 2019). Additionally, Karl Hill presented on Challenges and Solutions in Translating Evidence-Based Research into Practice to a wide range of national and international audiences including: the European Union Society for Prevention Research (Lisbon, Portugal, October 2018); the EU’s Meeting on Best Practice Portals (Cologne, Germany, June 2019); at the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Cologne, Germany, June 2019); the Trygg & Säker meeting (Malmö, Sweden, August 2019); the European Union Society for Prevention Research (Ghent, Belgium, September 2019); and the Montana State Drug Prevention meeting (Butte, Montana, September 2019). Collectively, Blueprints’ contributions to these meetings were very well received.
It is critically important to develop and maintain the Blueprints registry. It is also important that communities know about Blueprints as a prevention registry that people can trust. Participation in these presentations reflects our efforts to advance the dialog on prevention.
As always, thank you for your continued interest in and support of Blueprints.
Sincerely, |

Pamela Buckley, PhD
Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Blueprints Initiative
Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Pamela.Buckley@colorado.edu |

Karl G. Hill, PhD
Principal Investigator
Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Karl.Hill@Colorado.edu |
We want your feedback on the new & improved Blueprints website
We have received a lot of great feedback on the upgraded Blueprints website launched this spring with support from Arnold Ventures. However, we strive for excellence. If you have not done so already, we would appreciate if you would take a few minutes to complete our website survey to let us know your thoughts about the site. We really appreciate your time and value your feedback!
Click here to fill out a survey comprised of only 9 items:
Registration for the Blueprints Conference is Approaching
Be sure to join us in Denver in April 2020 as we set the foundation for ongoing collaboration among advocates dedicated to the programs that provide positive results. Registration for the 2020 Conference will open soon. Rates for the conference are as follows:
- Early Bird Rate: $310 (through February 23)
- Regular Rate: $395
- Pre-Conference: $150
We will send out more announcements about registration in the weeks and months to come. Also, feel free to check out our website here:
Blueprints Conference Sponsors & Exhibitors
It still is not too late to sponsor the upcoming Blueprints Conference! Our next conference is April 27-29, 2020 and would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available to increase your organization’s visibility during the conference, as well as to support our mission to provide a first-class conference that offers continuing education and networking opportunities for model and promising experimentally proven interventions. Click here to learn more about becoming either a sponsor or an exhibitor:
Family First Prevention Services Act
The Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct an objective and transparent review of research on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements.The Prevention Services Clearinghouse, developed in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) as codified in Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, promising, or does not currently meet criteria. The registry has updated the set of approved prevention programs eligible for Title IV-E reimbursement. Four of the programs featured in the clearinghouse as supported, well-supported, or promising are also certified by Blueprints.
These include:
We have featured two of these programs in this month’s newsletter.
Featured Model Program
Nurse-Family Partnership Blueprints Certified: 1997
Ages Served: Infant (0-2)
Program Outcome: Child Maltreatment, Cognitive Development, Delinquency and Criminal Behavior, Internalizing, Mental Health-Other, Physical Health and Well-Being, Preschool Communication/Language Development, Reciprocal Parent-Child Warmth
A nurse home visiting program for first-time pregnant mothers that sends nurses to work one-on-one with the pregnant women to improve prenatal and child rearing practices through the child’s second birthday.
Featured Promising Program
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Blueprints Certified: 2012
Ages Served: Early Childhood (3-4) – Preschool, Late Childhood (5-11)-K/Elementary
Program Outcome: Antisocial-aggressive Behavior, Child Maltreatment, Conduct Problems
A program designed for children and their parents that focuses on decreasing child behavior problems, increasing positive parent behaviors, and improving the quality of the parent-child relationship. |
Blueprints Interventions in the News
Recent articles and web postings featuring Blueprints Model Plus, Model and Promising interventions: