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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1445 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
Insufficient Evidence

A comprehensive program that uses challenging outdoor experiences and group home settings to reduce youth recidivism, both in terms of frequency and severity of criminal behavior.

Insufficient Evidence

A trauma-informed and gender-responsive intervention that aims to prevent substance misuse and other risky behaviors by promoting strengths and resilience, coping strategies, and positive interpersonal relationships.

Voyager Reading Programs
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program implemented by regular classroom teachers that aims to develop literacy skills and reading proficiency for early readers and struggling readers at different age levels.

Walk away, Ignore, Talk, Seek help (W.I.T.S.)
Insufficient Evidence

An elementary school program to promote prosocial behaviors and reduce levels of peer victimization in schools and classrooms by creating an environment in which children learn about and use strategies for handling conflicts with peers.

WAVES (West Midlands ActiVe lifestyle and healthy Eating in School)
Insufficient Evidence

A 12-month school-based intervention that encourages healthy eating and physical activity to reduce childhood obesity.

Wayne County Intensive Probation Program
Insufficient Evidence

An alternative at-home sentencing option for juveniles who would otherwise be committed to correctional institutions with the goal of reducing recidivism and lowering the overall number of youth committed to incarceration by the state.

We Have Skills! (WHS)
Insufficient Evidence

A video-based program that is implemented by elementary classroom teachers. The goal is to increase primary students’ prosocial behaviors through the teaching of social skills.

Inconclusive Evidence

A web-based program for Chinese American adolescents and their parents to promote healthy lifestyle choices and healthy bodies.

Weed and Seed
Insufficient Evidence

A community-based strategy to reduce violent and drug-related crime by targeting and weeding out violent offenders and drug dealers, planting seeds of change in the community, and fostering community policing.

Well-Being Therapy
Insufficient Evidence

An 8-week school-based program to improve levels of psychological well-being among early-adolescents in areas of autonomy, personal growth, environmental mastery, purpose in life, positive relations, and self-acceptance.

Wellbeing Program
Inconclusive Evidence

An internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy program for adults that aims to treat depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder both with and without agoraphobia.

Wellness, Academics, & You (WAY)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based 6-month program that uses physical education and activity, nutritional guidance, and family and peer interactions to help children better understand wellness, lose weight, adopt healthy lifestyles, and improve learning.

Wells-Goodfellow (WGF) Focused Deterrence Initiative
Insufficient Evidence

A police-led community initiative combining various enforcement and prevention efforts to reduce gun violence and other forms of aggression.

Why Joints? (
Insufficient Evidence

A 4-session classroom-based program for adolescents that uses a variety of activities and materials to prevent youth from using marijuana.

Wilson Reading
Inconclusive Evidence

A reading program that aims to improve the decoding and encoding skills of struggling readers from second grade through adulthood. The focus is on direct and systematic instruction of phonemic awareness, decoding and word study, sight word recognition, spelling, fluency, vocabulary, oral expressive language development, and comprehension.

Wisconsin Early Intervention (WEI)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program for kindergarten and elementary students with the goal of reducing problem social behavior such as internalizing and externalizing.

Wisconsin Scholars Grant
Not Dissemination Ready

A financial aid program designed for economically disadvantaged high school seniors who are college-bound, have yet to make their initial enrollment decisions, and seek financial assistance to help them afford college.

Wise Guys
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program with the goal of reducing teenage pregnancy by delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse among adolescent males and increasing abstinence amongst those already sexually active.

Wolf Trap Arts in Education: Arts Integration
Inconclusive Evidence

A professional development program for prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers that aims to improve their students’ academic and social skills through the incorporation of performing arts strategies in instruction.

Women on the Road to Health (WORTH)
Inconclusive Evidence

A program for community corrections settings that combines four in-person group sessions with either face-to-face learning or computerized self-paced modules, both designed to reduce the risk of intimate partner victimization among substance using women.

Woodrock Youth Development Project
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program to reduce the incidence of drug abuse among at-risk elementary and middle-school minority youth; raise awareness about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use (ATOD); promote healthy attitudes regarding resistance to ATOD use; improve the quality of race relations; and improve students’ self-esteem.

Word Generation
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention for middle school students that aims to improve academic vocabulary knowledge and use.

Work Release (Adult Practice)
Inconclusive Evidence

This is a transitional intervention to reduce post-release recidivism by allowing offenders to hold regular jobs in the community during the last few months of incarceration

Working on Womanhood (WOW)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based group counseling program that seeks to improve the mental health of female adolescents by enhancing individual competencies to make positive and healthy decisions.

Working to Insure and Nurture Girls’ Success (WINGS)
Insufficient Evidence

A program consisting of home visitation and center-based services that aims to reduce the number of adolescent girls entering or continuing in the juvenile justice system. The program supports and empowers them and their families to access and receive appropriate services.

World of Words (WOW)
Insufficient Evidence

A preschool program that aims to improve the word knowledge and conceptual development of preschool children through the use of taxonomic categorization and embedded multimedia. Lessons use video, audio, and pictures to extend students’ use of new vocabulary to describe things, solve problems, and draw generalizations and inferences.

Wraparound Services Model – Columbus, Ohio
Insufficient Evidence

A wraparound services program for youth with complex needs and their families that aims to reduce subsequent arrests, school absences, school expulsion or suspension, running away from home, detention by police, and assaultive behaviors.

Wraparound Services Model – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Insufficient Evidence

A multipronged program to provide effective treatment and reduce out-of-home care for emotionally disturbed and delinquent youth with experience in the juvenile justice system. The program aims to reduce serious emotional, mental health and behavioral issues in this population.

Inconclusive Evidence

A year-long school-based program with a social influence approach that aims to reduce adolescent smoking through environmental, parental, and educational components.

Xtreme Reading
Inconclusive Evidence

A classroom-based program for struggling adolescent readers that aims to bring their reading skills up to proficiency.

Yale Child Welfare Project
Insufficient Evidence

A multipronged program for infants and their families that includes home visitation, pediatric care, daycare, and psychological services with the goal of supporting effective family functioning in high risk families. The program aims to impact child behavioral and psychological outcomes and family socioeconomics, among others.

Year Up Professional Training Corps
Inconclusive Evidence

A training and internship program that takes place on college campuses to help young people with limited post-secondary education learn how to work with technology, develop employment skills, extend their education, and obtain good jobs.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
Insufficient Evidence

A multifaceted program that includes school-wide assemblies, peer leadership training, teacher training, outreach and education activities, and the implementation of a hotline toward the goal of increasing help-seeking for and by suicidal youth.

YMCA Youth Institute
Insufficient Evidence

An intensive, year-round, community-based program for low-income, culturally diverse, urban high school youth. Aims include promoting readiness for higher education or career entry, improving academic achievement, stimulating interest in higher education, and ensuring that participants remain engaged in their schools and communities.

Young Adult Internship Program
Not Dissemination Ready

A workforce development program intended to help young adults gain long-term, stable employment through an internship and other support services.

Young Parenthood Program (YPP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A community or home-based counseling program for expectant adolescent couples that is designed to improve positive parenting by supporting interpersonal skill development.

Young People’s Development Programme
Insufficient Evidence

A community-based, year-round teen pregnancy prevention program that offers youth development activities, sexuality education, substance misuse education, and referral to mental health and medical services including contraceptives.

Inconclusive Evidence

An online acceptance and commitment therapy program that aims to promote adolescent mental health through weekly modules and written feedback designed to encourage integrity, goal setting, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES)
Insufficient Evidence

An after-school program that engages middle school students in community change projects in order to enhance positive youth development. Specific goals include increased community involvement, self-efficacy, and prosocial behavior.

Youth Fit 4 Life
Inconclusive Evidence

An after-school program with the aim of reducing and preventing childhood obesity through teaching self-regulation skills, presenting nutritional information, and participating in physical activity.

Youth Matters
Insufficient Evidence

A set of curricula for students in grades K-12 that use a series of age appropriate modules to reduce bullying, aggressive behavior, and victimization by emphasizing the negative consequences, improving prosocial attitudes, increasing self-efficacy, and enhancing social bonds.

Youth Safe Haven
Insufficient Evidence

A community-based after-school program that seeks to generate positive changes in grades, attitudes, and behaviors among low-income and disadvantaged youth by partnering police officers with civilians in advocacy, mentoring, and tutoring initiatives.

Youth-Nominated Support Team-Version II (YST-II)
Inconclusive Evidence

A social support program that aims to supplement routine care for suicidal adolescents following psychiatric hospitalization by providing psychoeducation to youth-nominated adult social support providers.

Zero In On Prevention Student Assistance Program (ZIP-SAP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to reduce drug use and antisocial behavior among the secondary school population.

Zippy’s Friends
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to increase the coping repertoire of children between the ages of 6 and 8 by providing them with strategies to handle problems and emotional events.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.